An 84 meter length of fencing is attached to the side of a barn in order to fence in a rectangular area…

An 84 meter length of fencing is attached to the side of a barn in order to fence in a rectangular area, as shown in the figure above. If the length of the side of the fence running perpendicular to the barn is half the length of the side of the fence that is running parallel to the barn, what is the area of the fenced off land?

In the picture, Lines L1 and L2 are parallel, Lines L3 and L4 are parallel…

In the picture, Lines L1 and L2 are parallel, Lines L3 and L4 are parallel, L1 and L3 intersect on the circle, and L2 passes through the center of the circle. The angle theta equals pi/3, and radius R = 6. Find the area of the region A, which lies outside the circle and is bounded within the three line segments. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth. The answer is 29.72. Help!!