If you get 1/4 of a point deducted from your score if you answer a question incorrectly, is it worth it at the last few minutes of your test to fill in all of the questions with the same letter?

Here is a question that might be simple, though I am stuck on it:)
If you get 1/4 of a point deducted from your score if you answer a question incorrectly, is it worth it at the last few minutes of your test to fill in all of the questions with the same letter because the chances are that 1/4 of them will be right (especially if you can deduct some of the obvious wrong answers)? They tell you not to guess, but to me it seems like it is worth a shot since you will probably get at least 1/4 right.

How to know whether you should guess on the SAT

Because there’s a penalty of ¼ raw score point for incorrect multiple choice responses on the SAT, many students experience extreme trepidation about guessing when they aren’t sure about an answer. I’ve stated my general advice on guessing before, but the truth is that while I almost always find that my students benefit slightly from (more…)

“When should I guess on the SAT?”

[highlight style=”yellow”]Note: This post is about the old SAT (pre-2016). The “new” SAT does not have a penalty for incorrect answers. [/highlight] In short: almost always. (Note: This is generalized advice; if it doesn’t sit well with you, read this.) I’ve encountered a lot of misinformation about the SAT in my travels, but the single subject (more…)