A regressive tax is (when a tax) imposes a heavier burden on low-income taxpayers than on high-income tax payers.

A regressive tax is (when a tax) imposes a heavier burden on low-income taxpayers than on high-income tax payers.
a) same
c)a tax where it
d)one that
i know why (a) is wrong bc tax cannot impose but what are the differences between (c) and (d)… aren’t those both using ambiguous pronouns which are “one” and “it”?

Pronoun Case (or, when “Alan and me” is OK)

“Ain’t nobody chasin’ nobody nowhere.” Hopefully if you’ve been reading this blog for a while you’ve internalized the notion that YOU SHOULD CHECK EVERY SINGLE PRONOUN YOU ENCOUNTER on the SAT. The most common pronoun errors are pronoun-antecedent agreement errors, but pronoun case questions pop up enough in SAT writing sections that you should familiarize (more…)