I’ve been feeling pretty mushy lately about you guys. This blog started a little over a year ago because I was bored, and has grown into something that I’m really proud of and spend all day thinking about. I have you to thank for that. So thank you for continuing to come back to this site. Thank you for asking me questions, thank you for telling your friends about me, and thank you so much for supporting my work. I am beholden to you.

So if you’re taking the June SAT, I wish you the best of luck. Get in there tomorrow morning and PWN the stuffing out of it.

If you’re just gearing up for a summer of SAT prep, then stay tuned. I’ve got some neat stuff planned.

PWN the SAT books available at Amazon.com.
Follow @PWNtheSAT on Twitter, add me on Google+, and like me on Facebook.
Ask me questions at qa.pwnthesat.com.

Comments (2)

hey THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! i have it tomorrrow and i’m ready to kick some SAT butt.
I do have 2 questions though; i left both in your ask box on tumblr. could you please check and respond back? sorry if i sound like i’m rushing you. i hope you understand though. i just want to do really well so i don’t have to study over the summer! thanks in advance.

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