Digital SAT materials

Greetings! Because many people have asked, this post is to confirm that yes, I am in the process of updating the Math Guide for the Digital SAT. It’s taking me longer than I’d like given that it’s a fairly light lift, from a content perspective, but there’s a lot of formatting and other unpleasantries gumming (more…)

Some updates for 2023

Happy New Year! I’ve fallen out of the habit of posting updates here when I make changes, but like everyone else I’m keen to turn over some new leaves around this time of year, and a few recent developments are worth memorializing. Thanks for reading, and as always, happy prepping. – Mike One book to (more…)

Introducing the 5th edition of the Math Guide

I’m very proud to announce that the 5th edition of the world-renowned PWN the SAT Math Guide is now available at Amazon. This book keeps all the best parts of the 4th edition (which also remains available, for now) and provides some sweet updates. Most notably, the 5th edition contains 200+ new questions, most of (more…)

Extending 3-month Math Guide Online subscriptions

In light of yesterday’s announcement by the College Board that the June SAT is canceled, I am extending all current 3-month subscriptions to the Math Guide Online through August 29 (the date of the August SAT). New 3-month subscriptions purchased between now and May 29 will also be extended through the August date. Stay safe (more…)

Try the Math Guide Online for free

UPDATE: Now you can sign up for trial access (3 days) to the whole Math Guide Online. A bunch of folks have asked me if there’s a free trial for the new Math Guide Online. Well, at launch there wasn’t but now there is! Click above. If you’re ready to purchase access to the whole (more…)

December 2017 SAT scores

December SAT scores are out today (or at least, multiple choice scores begin to come out today). I hope that today brought you good news and that the thrill of victory lingers all weekend. I’ve been doing this long enough to know, however, that score day is never a happy day for everyone. If your results (more…)

Best (toughest) of the Daily PWN

Now that the Daily PWN email list has been going for a while and I’ve got some good data on the questions, I thought I’d compile a list of the ones people are missing most frequently. If you’re looking for a quick skill sharpening on some tough problems, why not give these a try? 002 017 026 (more…)

The Daily PWN

Hey guys, just a quick post here to announce a new feature I quietly launched on the site a couple weeks ago; people who have found it seem to like it so far. You can now sign up to receive practice math questions, automatically delivered to your inbox once a day. I’m calling it “The Daily (more…)

How’d you feel about the December SAT?

If you took the December SAT, how about filling out this quick survey? These surveys are an informal way to assess how hard the tests were compared to the released practice tests. Once you’ve answered the questions, you’ll be able to see how hard everyone else thought the test was. If you’re looking to stoke/assuage your (more…)

Proving Grounds #9

Here’s another Proving Grounds installment! The aim of the following five-question quiz is to work your graphing calculator muscles, so my recommendation is that you try to solve them by graphing even if your first inclination would be to solve them another way. My solutions for this drill will be entirely calculator-based; spend enough time...

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Did you take the November SAT? How’d you feel about it?

If you took the November SAT, why not fill out this quick survey as an informal way to assess how hard it was compared to the released practice tests? Once you’ve answered the questions, you’ll be able to see how hard everyone else thought the test was. Those of you looking for something to stoke/assuage your (more…)

Minor updates to the Math Guide

A few weeks ago, I made some minor adjustments to the Math Guide to incorporate the additional official material released by the College Board: tests 5 and 6 (download them here). If you purchase new copies of the Math Guide from the PWN store (or anywhere else) now, your book will have breakdowns of those (more…)