I am confused on Question 3, page 189…

I am confused on Question 3, page 189 (the topic is Measures of Central Tendency and Variability). I checked the solution and how you formed the equation

87m + 93 = 89(m+1)

But I still do not understand why 89(m+1) is there.

Hi Mike. Can you please explain Practise test 1, section 4, question 14?

Hi Mike. Can you please explain Practise test 1, section 4, question 14? I figured out that the range was the largest change (but only by physically calculating the mean and median etc.)

Is there a better way to do this?

Also, I’d just like to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this book it really is amazing!!

Proving Grounds #8

It’s been a while since we did one of these! The following five-question quiz (all about a histogram, by special request) will be available to everyone for one week, and then it will only be available to registered Math Guide Owners. (If you don’t have a Math Guide, now is a pretty good time to...

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